Side projects that we can talk about include:
Bootstrap Startup, working title "One Step Forward"
When you have started your own business or running on from home for a few years, you can hit a plateau, where you can not see the next steps to take. For money making online businesses with 2 years+ Google Analytics and business sales. To help set, improve and track yearly targets month by month in a clear dashboard website (SaaS app).
Mentor others
Time is put aside each month to give back to communities and help younger people in the industry to get further in business.
Mastermind Group
Meets every week as a group of four business owners Mastermind group, where we can act as a board of advisers to each other. Each week rotates who is in the hotseat for 40 minutes, after everyone gave their Ups and Downs.
Badass Mastermind Group (retired)
Meets every week as a small Mastermind group of other agency business owners, where we can act as a board of advisers to each other. Tristan co-chairs it and leads the group topic.
MMaaS Mastermind Group (retired)
Meets online every week as a group of six, working on their SaaS businesses. We report accountability to each other and offer our experiences to help the group grow our products and business careers.
Broadwater Mastermind Group (retired)
Meets online every two weeks and physical board meeting at least every quarter. Looking to report to each other and share knowledge to grow our products and business careers.