Lets dive into the highlights of videos I have been watching this month. For the video playlist you can directly click here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX5nXr_lSDSNJ3vfFq7D-O4zryg-Z6VLF
Number 1 - For GDPR Marketing need to Re-Permission the Email Lists - 5 to 9
For the month of February I have been recording a video vlog a day, covering some of the topics that are top of mind with clients I talk to and things that come up in consulting. Mentoring, leading a team, GDPR, finishing work and sales.
This video is on building a re-permission campaign to get back and warm up your list again where you need to ask to opt in again.
Follow along with the playlist for the month.
Number 2 - Southern Manufacturing & Electronic round up
In the first video, Aberlink, XYZ, Blum UK, Vero Software, MIE Solutions and Renishaw.
MTDCNC talking to Anna Maslova, Internal Customer Sales Manager for Vero Software explains why Southern Manufacturing was the ideal place.
Third video is a walk round the show floor.
Final review is a reflection back from Dynamics Consultants
MD one their thoughts from seeing things on day 2, and how their software fits.
Number 3 - GDPR - What marketers with large databases need to do
A little about what marketers with large databases need to consider in advance of the changes in GDPR (data protection) regulations in May 2018.
Number 4 - How can SMEs start to automate their shop floor?
The Manufacturer, on the show floor at Solidworks World 2018 talking to Louis Feinstein, Dassault Systèmes portfolio manager for mechatronics and IoT solutions, explained how SME manufacturers could start to automate their shop floors with a simple robotics solution.
Number 5 - China Business — My Tour of Tech Factories
Noah Kagan takes a trip to China and shares his findings, how they create all these products and items we use daily — cell phones, laptops, clothing and some travel advice.
Number 6 - How to Write a SMART Goal
Short video to write, Specific, Measurable, Agreed Upon, Realistic and Time-based goals.
Whats was your favorite this month?
Send me your suggestion, I like to hear what you liked here or if I missed something you found a help.