We offer Laravel development and design based in Brighton, East Sussex
If you are looking for a Brighton Laravel development agency with a boutique agency in the South Coast of England. We work with successful companies in the UK to build them great applications. We are Laravel specialists and consult to build modern design projects, having an existing or new requirement for the framework. We have migrated apps and websites with different PHP frameworks (Slim, Zend, Symfony, CodeIgniter) and enjoy the speed and community growth working with the Laravel Framework up to the latest version for the last 4 years. Building a large Laravel SaaS app and several other websites with APIs. We work in the UK Laravel community and friends with many specialists in other fields in the UK.
Holdingbay often work with local Brighton businesses and companies in London on their business growth needs. Clients locations range from around the UK(Coventry, Birmingham, Milton Keynes), America, Sweden and Germany.
What is Laravel
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions, and caching. Laravel aims to make the development process a pleasing one for the developer without sacrificing application functionality. Happy developers make the best code.
Laravel vs CMS
As well as Laravel we write bespoke PHP code and also working with OctoberCMS, Joomla and WordPress depending on clients needs. We see a fit for WordPress for Blogging and lighter sites but if you want to build an application or a site into your business we currently favour Laravel as it is very flexible. The security and permissions model offers options a good support through the number of Open Source contributors working on Laravel all year. It has proved an effective framework to build APIs, Websites and Applications.
We give time to the Laravel Project and have committed work to helping mentor junior PHP developers and helping out in the Slack community. Often found assisting in the Laravel Slack, LaraChat. There is a regular monthly meetup for BrightonPHP with good local and visiting speakers (Tristan presented at one last year). There is not a specific Laravel Meetup in Brighton, but the London Laravel is big.
Some recent Laravel websites I have built with my partners:
https://yesyoucan.rentals - Ecommerce sales funnel for renting home goods, APIs integrate with CRM and Facebook Case Study.
https://verified-data.com - Tool for Data Quality & Data Governance, Laravel 5.5 SaaS application with queue workers Case Study
https://holdingbay.co.uk - This website uses Jigsaw, a Laravel project to create a fast static HTML website.
We are available to plan and build, then migrate old websites to the Laravel or upgrade your Laravel 4.3+/5+ sites up to the latest secure version. We offer training for clients and work with frontend designers and then build up the website. We also develop custom Laravel PHP extensions to existing websites to offer new features or integration.
We attended conferences and meetups for Laravel and PHP.
Please get in contact to discuss a project to work with you on.