I have this ongoing conversation at the end of each year with my friend and past college Hayden Sutherland of where online business might have shifted by the end of the year.
These might be strategy shifts or more board changes but they are movement I notice coming.
Accountability - Year of audit and checking
Startup become a cultural thing that you do for fun rather than business, as startups grow up.
First startup diet, or maybe startups just go on a diet?
Websites are scaleable parts so the year of docker and containers take traction.
More alternatives to docker or a more open standard.
Desktop dumb down design. To make the desktop website and interface bigger buttons and simpler interface to follow touch interfaces and more mass market users.
Another old technology dies.
The price of streaming media goes up but grows as it becomes a more visible business and so not just compete on price.
Data Privacy growing but probably a topic for next year.
Wordpress coming out with a ecommerce product more like Squarespace, after buying woo-commerce. Later that their API driven themes come to be saleable items.
I did not post these at Christmas so wanted to get them out now, and can follow up with how well they are going as we reach the summer.
How do you right size you project goals?
Send me your suggestion, I like to hear how you work.